November is College month at Revere!
Nov. 4-13: Decorate your own pennant with your favorite college! Show off your creativity, and after you finish, you'll earn a superstar sticker and a chance to win a $25 gift card!
Nov. 8: Get ready for high school! 8th graders, stop by during lunch to learn about the A-G requirements with fun activities, games, and prizes. Visit each station to find out what you need to do in high school to prepare for your college journey!
Nov. 6-15: Homeroom Door Posters! Team up to design a masterpiece that shows off your college spirit, and compete to be the most creative homeroom on campus!
Nov. 14: College Bingo is the name of the game! Ask your teachers and staff about their college experiences and have them sign a bingo box that applies to them. Each staff member can only sign once! Complete two bingos on your card for a superstar sticker! Blackout your card for a special prize!
Nov. 19: Start exploring your path to college 6th and 7th graders! Join us at lunch for fun, games, prizes and lear about A-G requirements for high school success.
Don't forget! Every Monday for the rest of the year, wear your college gear!