Magnet Program » Differentiated Objectives of the Magnet Program

Differentiated Objectives of the Magnet Program

Differentiated Objectives of the Magnet ProgramStudents enrolled in the Paul Revere Magnet Center follow a common, comprehensive and academically oriented core curriculum, revolving around themes of mathematics, science and technology. The curriculum is activity/project based, designed to provide all students with an exciting, energetic learning environment, to encourage academic excellence, to challenge each student at his/her own level, and to provide development of personal qualities and skills needed for success. Paul Revere M/S/T Magnet Center teachers' presentation of the curriculum reflects the success of standards based instruction, as measured by the CAT6, STEPPS Criterion Referenced Test and LAUSD's Performance Based Test in English/Language Arts and Mathematics.

Language Arts
Students progress through the stages of the writing process in order to write clear, concise and coherent essays for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Students develop reading skills through a balanced reading program.
Students develop active listening skills and the ability to respond orally and in written form.
Students develop a wide range of critical thinking skills in order to understand and discuss what they have read and written.
Students create and present a multimedia technology presentation representing a clear understanding of content material.
Students develop conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning and problem solving strategies of/with arithmetic and numbers, statistics and probability, geometry and measurement, function and algebra.
Students receive an Integrated Mathematics experience.
Students develop mastery of the four arithmetic operations in order to accurately compute and solve problems. Students become adept at manipulating numbers and equations.
Students develop an understanding of the symbolic language of mathematics and the sciences. Students feel at ease with the use of technology, including computers and calculators.
Students communicate and demonstrate their knowledge of basic mathematics skills, conceptual understanding and problem solving through written assignments and a multimedia technology presentation.
Students experience a curriculum that ensures access for all students to the content through "big ideas", and the process of science in order to be scientifically literate.
Students learn and apply the scientific method of inquiry, problem solving, and investigation to focus on understanding science content.
Students learn skills that will enable them to observe, reflect and conclude in logical sequences. Students synthesize the constantly changing scientific technologies that affect their lives daily as well as influence their future.
Students use their scientific literacy knowledge to made sound local and global decisions.
Students communicate their understanding and knowledge of science through written assignments and a multimedia technology presentation.
Students participate in classroom and laboratory exploratory/hands-on activities.
Students explain and demonstrate an awareness of past civilizations and cultures.
Students demonstrate understanding of cause and effect from the past to the present and the future. Students use critical thinking skills to make sound decisions regarding local politics and global issues.
Students demonstrate understanding of local and global geography and economics.
Students demonstrate understanding of how geographic, political and technological factors create/affect changes in present and future society.
Students communicate understanding and knowledge of history through written assignments and a multimedia technology presentation.
Students discover that technology is an efficient and enjoyable learning tool for the acquisition and mastery of reading, writing, effective communication, mathematical skills, mathematical reasoning, logic, problem solving, a macro and micro understanding of science, history, art, music, health, fitness, and social interaction.

Students abide by the LAUSD acceptable use policy.
Students able to adapt from the present to the yet to be developed technologies.
Students knowledgeable of the uses of technology in the workplace.
Students demonstrate technological skills and knowledge in an exciting, creative multimedia format.