Special Education » Resource (RSP)

Resource (RSP)

RSP students are mainstreamed for all general education classes and they may be supported by a Resource Specialist teacher twice a week in their English and/or math classes.  They may also receive one period of additional support in the Learning Center, which is taught by a Resource Specialist teacher.  The Learning Center provides them with the opportunity to improve all of their academic skills by providing them with direct instruction and reinforcement of skills learned in the general education classrooms.
  • Setting:  General Education classrooms
  • Supports:
    • Collaborative Math:  RSP teacher supports the students in the general education math classroom two times per week.
    • Collaborative English:  RSP teacher supports the students in the general education English classroom two times per week.
    • Learning Center:  In place of a General Education elective.  Provide reinforcement of basic skills, pre-teaching and re-teaching of concepts.