Special Education » Special Day Programs (SDP)

Special Day Programs (SDP)

Students who are on the General Education curriculum, but receive Special Day minutes as part of their IEP, are provided instruction in a small group setting taught by a Special Education teacher for up to 4 academic subjects.   We have two SDP (Special Day Programs): SDP for students with Specific Learning Disabilities and SDP for students with Autism.
Special Day Program/ SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities)
  • Setting:  Three self-contained classrooms for the four academic subjects.  Classes are departmentalized in that one teacher teaches all grade levels of a specific subject.
  • For 6th grade students, all core academic classes must be in Special Day.   A blended program of General Ed and Special Day Classes are possible for 7th and 8th grade.
  • One Elective and Physical Education are in the general Education setting

Special Day Program/ Autism
  • Setting:  Self-contained classroom
  • For incoming 6th grade students, all academic classes and homeroom must be in the Special Day Autism classroom.  A blended program of General Ed and Special Day Classes are possible for 7th and 8th grade.
  • Social Skills is available as an elective. To ensure a smooth transition, we strongly recommend this elective for incoming 6th graders.