Arboretum Project » Indian Laurel Fig (6)

Indian Laurel Fig (6)

This web page created by Conner .B & Jaxon B., Fall 2014

Common Name:  Indian Loral Fig

Botanical Name: Ficus microcarpa

Location: Near West Driveway behind the Auditorium and in the Quad by the L building                       

Plant Type:  Evergreen Tree

Sunset Zones: 9, 13,and 16-24

Sun Requirements: Full/Partial sun

Water Requirements: regular water

Origin: Malaysia Peninsula

Description: Light grey bark

Leaves: Small light green, Glossy, evergree leaves leaves

Flowers: Small inconspicuous flowers. Their are seperate male and female flowers (monoecious).

Fruit: Small, green, round 0.25 in - 0.50 in, and fruits in spring

Unique Facts About This Tree:

  • new leaves produce almost constently
  • on the hawaiian island these trees can quickly grow to 60ft high while here in Callifornia it grows only to 25-30ft
  • on the hawiian islands the tree's cannopy can grow to 75ft wide while here in callifornia it only grows up to 30-45
  • has lots of little fruit that make messes