Arboretum Project » Lemon Scented Eucalyptus (10)

Lemon Scented Eucalyptus (10)

This web page created by Julian P. and Nathaniel W. on October 29, 2014

 Common Name:  Lemon-Scented Gum

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus citriodora

Location: Right in front of C2 and on the north side of the H3 building

Plant Type: Evergreen     

Sunset Zones:   Zones 5, 6, 8-24;H1, H2

Sun Requirements: Full sun

Water Requirements: Little or no water        

Origin: Australia
 Description: Height: 45-90ft Spread: 15 -45ft Trunk: white to pinkish

Leaves: Long leaves (3-7 in.) golden green, lemon scented

Flowers: Small white flowers

Fruit: Little urn-shaped capsules

Unique Facts: Oils are used to make lemon scented products such as candles. Also students, if you crush the leaf of this tree you can smell lemon