Arboretum Project » Flowering Pear (19)

Flowering Pear (19)

This web page created by Ashley V., 2014

 Common Name: Flowering Pear

Botanical Name: Pyrus calleryana

Sun Requirements: Full sun

Water Requirements: Moderate to regular water

Origin: China

 Description: This Deciduous tree needs some winter chill. It can grow to be up yo 60ft tall. It grows purple/red leaves in the fall, masses of white flowers in the early spring. The glossy green alreadyc turning purpulish/red. It blooms very early. The late  freezes may destroy crop. This tree also groiws very small, round inedible fruit.
Leaves: The Flowering Pear's flowers turn colors depending on the seasons.
Flowers: Grows masses of white flowers in the early spring.

Fruit: Small round inedible fruit.

Interesting Facts:
  • This tree is remarkably resistant to sickness.
  • The late freezes may destroy crop.
  • Grows very small inedible fruit.
  • This tree is known for it's distinctive smell, which is the smell of rotting flesh.
Zones: 2b-a, 14-21

Location at Revere: You can find this tree in front of the X building. X11, X12, and X13.