Arboretum Project » Olive (25)

Olive (25)

This web page created by Marlene.M  Fall of 2014

Common Name: Fruitless Olive

Botanical Name: Olea europaea

Location: east driveway back of M-3 and  in the middle of N-1 and N-2

Plant Type: ever green tree

Sun Requirements: full sun

Water Requirements: little of moderate water

Origin: Mediterranean

Description:  The height is 20.00 to 30.00 feet, spread 15.00 to 75.00 feet

Leaves: green

Flowers: none

Fruit: none

Unique fact: The fruitless olive can grow an any environment. The olive tree is strong genes and is classified as a successful  disease resistant tree specimen. The fruitless olive tree produce dense green foliage excellent environment in demand for shade relief.