Arboretum Project » Southern Magnolia (26)

Southern Magnolia (26)

This web page created by Alyssa B. and Arely G., Fall 2014

Common Name:  Southern Magnolia

Botanical Name: Magnolia grandiflora

Location:  Directly behind G2 and C2, Directly in front of E2 and D1
Plant Type:  Evergreen Tree

Sunset Zones:   Zones 4-12, 14-24, H1, H2

Sun Requirements: Full sun or partial shade

Water Requirements: Regular water

Origin: Native to the Southeastern Coast of the United States

Description: Up to 80 feet tall with 60 feet spread. Light brown/gray trunk and branches. Branches are fairly weak. 

Leaves: The leaves have a glossy, leathery feel. They are mostly green with an orange/brown tint. They are oval shaped and curve slightly inward.

Flowers: Bright, pure white with a strong scent. 

Fruit: Has pinkish or green fuzzy cones at the end of branches.