Arboretum Project » Tasmanian Tree Fern

Tasmanian Tree Fern

This web page created by Andre O., Fall 2014

 Common Name: Tasmanian Tree Fern

Botanical Name: Dicksonia Antarctica

Location:  North side of Main Office building

Plant Type:  Evergreen/Deciduous Tree

Sunset Zones:   Zones  8-9 ,14-17,19-24

Sun Requirements: Full sun, partial shade in hot climates

Water Requirements: Moderate to regular water

Origin: Southern Hemisphere, Island of Tasmania (Australia)

Description: Dark brown trunk that holds feathery fronds.
Grows up to 12 inches in a year. Many arching 3-6 ft fronds growing from trunk.

Leaves: Bright green fronds with lacy texture. Frond medium to dark green.

Flowers: none

Fruit: none