California Junior Scholastic Federation (CJSF) » Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits


CJSF prepares the student for CSF membership in high school.  Membership offers the opportunities to participate in activities which benefit the school, the community and the student.  In middle school benefits are as follows:


Being a member for any of the four semesters during 7th and/or 8th grade.
  • Semester Membership Card


Granted to those students who qualify for membership 3 out of the 4 semesters.
  • Honor Membership official medallion and certificate
  • Honor Membership official gold seal will be placed on the Certificate of Culmination
  • Honor Membership will be recorded in the students cumulative record
  • Honor Members will be eligible for associate membership in the CSF at participating high schools during the first semester of 9th grade. 
*If a student does not earn Honors membership at the end of 8th grade, the student will need to apply for membership at the start of the Fall semester of 9th grade at the high school.