Parent Volunteer Opportunities » Parent Volunteer Opportunities

Parent Volunteer Opportunities

There are many volunteer opportunities for parents to get involved at Paul Revere including leadership positions on the board of  PRIDE Booster Club or Paul Revere PTSA.  Be part of the dedicated group of parents who run the Booster Club and PTSA by volunteering to be a board member.  If you don't have time for a board position, chair one of the many events that take place during the course of a year or volunteer at one of the events.

LAUSD Volunteer process and Application REQUIRED:
If you are interested in being a homeroom parent email [email protected].  If you're interested in learning about other volunteer opportunities email [email protected].


PRIDE President (job can be shared by 2-3 people):  Oversees fundraising, programs and the budget. Schedules and chairs board and parent meetings. Together with the other PRIDE officers, sets the direction and establishes goals for the organization. Meets with the principal and PTSA President(s) regularly to discuss Revere’s activities and how PRIDE / PTSA can support them.

PTSA Co-President:  Working with an experienced 8th grade co-president, collaborates with Revere’s administration, teachers and PRIDE/PTSA volunteers to promote the mission and programs of the national PTSA organization and help ensure the health and safety of students and staff on campus.

VP – PRIDE Fundraising:  Oversees all of our fundraising events, helping the event chairs as needed, and introduces new fundraising ideas to the board. We are fortunate to have great teams leading Annual Giving and the Auction, our biggest fundraisers.

Co-VP PRIDE Outreach:  Our 2 Outreach VPs oversee the programs that help Revere’s new and prospective families connect to the school, such as Ready Set Revere, Revere Cares, Grade-level Parents and Docent Tours.  Each program has a chairperson leading the specific area.

VP PRIDE Special Projects:  Work with PTSA’s VP Programs and Revere’s administration and teachers to improve and maintain Revere’s campus and facilities. Examples are sprucing up the Main Office, Landscaping and Painting. 

PRIDE Co-Treasurers (job shared by 2-3 people):  Responds to check requests for reimbursement, manages PRIDE’s financials in Quickbooks (online) and issues financial reports, makes deposits, manages payroll for PRIDE employees, balances bank accounts, manages accounting firm re: taxes, maintains financial files, responds to insurance and legal issues, summarizes financial status at board meetings. In the Spring, participates in Revere’s budgeting process and prepares PRIDE’s budget for board discussion and approval.

PRIDE Secretary:  (responsibilities can be shared with co-Secretary):  Work with the Chair to create and distribute Agenda for each monthly Board and quarterly Parent PRIDE meeting. Send the agenda out in advance of each meeting. Attend meetings and take minutes. Following each meeting, circulate draft minutes to the officers and make suggested edits. Circulate draft minutes to all members prior to the next meeting for approval. Keep a record of approved minutes and post approved minutes to website.

PRIDE/PTSA Parliamentarian:  Keeps our monthly board meetings and parent meetings operating smoothly by ensuring we follow parliamentary procedures. Back up minute-taker for Secretary.

VP – PRIDE Communications:  Coordinates communications with parents, working closely with Revere’s Parent/Community Liaison, PRIDE and PTSA board members, administration and teachers. Oversees committee members in charge of Eblasts (writing & editing), Bulletin Board, Correspondence, Website and Social Media.

VP PRIDE Curriculum / Student Services (job can be shared by 2 people):  Coordinates with administration and teachers to support academics and other student programs. Liaison for the following programs: Carpools, Superstar Incentive, Library Volunteers, Literary Anthology, Lost & Found, Magnet, Music, Outdoor Learning Environment, Sports Teams and Technology.

PTSA Co-Treasurers:  Manage PTSA’s financials in Quickbooks for budgeting, tracking and deposits. Fulfill check requests.

VP – PTSA Communications/Membership:  Make sure PTSA’s messaging gets to PRIDE’s Communications team on a timely basis.  Promote membership in PTSA via parent communications and collect membership envelopes. 

PTSA Secretary:  Takes notes and publishes the minutes for our monthly PRIDE/PTSA Board meeting and monthly Parent meeting. Maintains minute book, including results of email-based board votes. Responsibilities shared with PRIDE Secretary.

VP – PTSA Health & Safety:  Work with administration by attending the monthly Charter Council Safety Committee meetings. Report on Safety issues to the Board.

VP – PTSA Programs:  Work with PRIDE’s VP Special Projects and the school’s teachers and administration to facilitate school improvement projects.

VP -PTSA -Special Projects:  Helps identify and manage special projects that are determined with the collaboration of teachers, administrators and parents as being needed, and helps execute them. Includes Campus Beautification Liaison.



Grade-level Head Room Parents: Coordinates with parent volunteers from homerooms by grade level to organize classroom rosters and:
  • Arrange Parent get-together
  • Fulfill teacher requests and needs
  • Collect money for teacher gifts
  • Organize Class Auction Baskets
  • Serve as a PRIDE / Annual Giving representative: 1) Share information about the importance of PRIDE and the Annual Giving Campaign with your class (we'll supply all the information you need), 2) answer parent questions, 3) volunteer to staff an Annual Giving table at a Revere event, collect donation envelopes at drop-off, and/or participate in phone-a-thon at least 1x during the school year
  • 8th grade only: Arrange for special 8th Grade activities: organize, plan and execute 8th grade picnic; order 8th grade t-shirts (artwork contest, order shirts, distribution); communicate 8th grade-specific messages to parents.
Ready Set Revere:  Ready Set Revere is a great opportunity for incoming students and their parents to explore the Revere; meet other students, parents, administrators and teachers; and, learn more about student experiences.
  • Work with administration to organize Ready Set Revere in May.
  • Recruit current student and parent volunteers for the morning or afternoon session (or both!).
  • Set up the day of the event.
  • Organize activities for the day of the event.
Parent Education Coordinator:  Set up speakers to provide educational presentation to parents on relevant topics. Reserve the Library and get speakers a gift.

Volunteer Coordinator:  Working with PRIDE's Parent/Community Liaison and the VPs of Outreach and Communications, respond to parents interested in volunteering at Revere to help them find a good fit. Connect prospective volunteers with board members and committee chairs. Job is most intensive at the beginning of the school year, requiring 2-3 hours/week. Role is perfect for a working parent as it is completed remotely and on your own time.

Revere Cares Coordinator:  Work with Justin Koretz and the Scrip team to raise donations for students who need access to food outside of school and school supplies, and for their families when faced with emergencies. 
Hospitality:  Organizes catering and decorations for Founders Day, Staff Holiday luncheon and Parent Welcome Breakfast. Decorates, orders food and gets volunteers.
Parent Tours:  Plans and leads the tours for prospective Revere parents throughout the school year.
  • Work with Mr. Shibata to choose dates and get list of teachers and leadership students.
  • Recruit (Sign up Genius, school eblasts) and train tour volunteers (at least 15 needed).
  • Create master schedule/itinerary for each tour group.
  • Arrive at least an hour before each tour starts to set up.
  • Supervise and coordinate volunteers.


Annual Giving Campaign:  Organizes and manages annual fundraising campaign to solicit donations directly from parent community. Develop solicitation letters, reminders and coordinate follow-up phone calls.

Auction Co-Chairs:  Oversee Auction team, work with administration, and communicate to school.

Back Office Coordinators:  Enter items into the online system, keep items organized, and distribute items to winners (2-3 people).

Solicitations coordinators:  Oversee team to get solicitations. Make letter and solicitation form. Send to past participants. Visit local retailers and restaurants to solicit and pick up items. Pursue new donors. (2-3 people)

Party Planners:  Get location, food, drinks and auctioneer, set up event and decorate. Responsible for selling tickets to the event and sending out email invite before event.

Raffle:  Get raffle tickets and items. Have raffle tickets printed and distribute to team. Coordinate all raffle ticket sales.

Grant-Writing:  Researches available grant opportunities. Collect information and prepare grant proposals. Solicits input from teachers and administration.

Sponsorships:  Solicit corporate sponsors for Business Banner program and auction. Build relationship with Caruso. Seek sponsors for unique school events. Build packages for outside support.

SCRIP:  Attend parent meetings and school events to sell SCRIP cards to the parent community. Manage SCRIP card inventory and submit deposits to PRIDE’s treasurer. At the holidays and year-end, organize and sell SCRIP certificates for teacher and administrative gifts.


Eblast Publishing:  Draft and create the weekly parent eblast with content provided by the PRIDE/PTSA Board and Revere Administration. This is a weekly commitment that is great for parents who don’t want to attend any meetings and have strong writing skills and an eye to detail.

Bulletin Board:  Maintain 3 boards at school by decorating them with PTSA/PRIDE or school event.

Social Media:  Post various articles, information and tid-bits onto Revere’s Facebook page. Sources for posts can be the weekly school newsletter, requests from admin or interesting information that appears on our feed or is related to education (LAUSD). This work can be done in a mobile fashion with an App installed on the phone. Takes about 30 minutes of time per week in aggregate.


Music Liaison:  Coordinates with music department to identify funding needs, organize fundraisers, and facilitate programs and events.

Outdoor Learning Environment:  Coordinates with teachers and administration to help maintain outdoor learning areas and life science facilities.

Peer Mediation:  Works with teachers to publicize Peer Mediation program, identify funding needs and raise visibility and effectiveness of program that trains student volunteers to help mediate peer disputes.

Art Liaison:  Coordinates with Revere Art Department to identify funding needs and coordinate displays and events.

Technology:  Interfaces with school Technology Coordinator to provide support and identify funding needs. Oversees development and maintenance of PRIDE-sponsored website and other technology needs.

Lost and Found:  Keep lost and found closet organized. Hang up all of the hoodies and jackets by color and put the PE clothes in the bins. The lunch bags are emptied out then displayed on a shelf so kids can see them. The water bottles are in two boxes. Donate everything to charity a few times a year.

Magnet Liaison:  Support PRIDE fundraising efforts and keep good communication between PRIDE and the Magnet.  Monitor monies flowing between Magnet and PRIDE. Get parents involved in the school at large.  

Literary Anthology:  Coordinate publication of the annual PRMS Literary Anthology (which is coordinated by the English Department teacher sponsor. The publication is created by someone with publishing experience who will be selected and coordinated by our chairperson.  Our chairperson will coordinate the layout and printing of the publication, plan and attend the Young Authors Evening (YAE). This includes managing RSVPs of families, ordering food, handling the logistics of the night and coordinating with Revere admin. and the English Department. Recruit and organize volunteers. This work is limited to March and April, as the event is usually in April and preparations take a few months.  More information about the event and an example of the publication can be found at


Book Fair Chair:  Work with an experienced co-chair to help stage Revere’s Fall and Spring book fairs.

Fun Run Liaison:  Short and sweet – help the PE coaches stage the annual Spring fundraiser by organizing parent volunteers and helping collect and count the cash raised.

School Beautification:  Identifies needs, arrange volunteer support and organize school clean-up days.

Campus Safety:  Coordinates with the administration to organize parent volunteers on campus for greater supervision. Identifies other opportunities to increase safety and safety awareness.

Reflections Chair:  In October/November, communicate and organize student submissions to this National PTA contest based on predetermined theme, circulate, collect, judge and present awards.

Revere Gear Chair:  Design, create and order Revere Wear attire, and market online with the help of the PRIDE/PRMS communications team. Sell attire at selected school events. All proceeds to support the school.

SOS/Teacher Requests:  There is a budget reserved within PTSA to purchase classroom supplies for teachers, and the goal is to survey them on their needs and get them their supplies.

Teacher Appreciation Week:  The coordinator plans activities for each day. Past activities have included: Coffee cart and dessert morning, waffles on a stick, bagel and lox breakfast, yogurt cart, breakfast burritos. The Friday treat is usually a little gift for the teachers.
  • Manage budget (approximately $2,500) across the daily activities.
  • Recruit volunteers: this usually is easy as the teachers and staff LOVE this week and it’s fun to serve treats and mingle with the teachers.
  • Send an invitation to the staff detailing upcoming activities.
  • Purchase and organize supplies and hire vendors if needed.
  • During Teacher Appreciation Week, organize volunteers to be on-site to help with the activities. Most activities are planned to coincide with the first hour of the day, lunchtime, or nutrition.
