PTSA Pride Booster Club » Community Sponsorship Programs

Community Sponsorship Programs


The Paul Revere Community Sponsorship Program offers a fantastic opportunity for Revere families and local businesses to partner with our school and support our community! This is a chance to “Sponsor Revere” by proudly displaying your business on our highly visible, beautifully designed fence banners, email weekly newsletter, website and on our Facebook page.  Contact [email protected] for more information.

Why Become a Community Sponsor?

  1. Being a Community Sponsor supports your neighborhood school! Your support will contribute directly to the ongoing PRIDE Booster Club enrichment programs, including classroom size reduction and the critical benefits this brings to our children.
  2. We are visible to over 1750 families, a thriving local community and the hundreds and hundreds of people that live in our incredible neighborhood. Parents and community members love to support businesses that support our school!!
  3. Your support of our school is 100% tax deductible!
Becoming a “Revere Sponsor” is a fantastic opportunity to support your local school and neighborhood while promoting your business to thousands of parents and community members! We look forward to partnering with you!

Diamond Sponsorship – Cost $6500

  • Diamond Sponsors will be included in an 8x4-foot banner on our highly visible Sunset Blvd fence, that is seen by thousands of Revere families, everyone traveling this busy corridor for their daily commutes and the hundreds of people that visit the school for sporting events each weekend.  The Diamond Sponsor banners will be in the first 2 spots all the way to the left of the fence, lined up closest to Sunset Blvd.
  • Diamond Sponsors will also receive a weekly “Thank You” through our PRIDE e-blast sent to all Revere parents!

Community Facebook Sponsorship - Cost $250

Why be a Facebook Community Sponsor?
  1. Being a FB Community Sponsor supports your neighborhood school and gets you mentions on our popular Facebook social media platform visible by more than 2000 viewers!
  2. Your support will contribute directly to the ongoing PRIDE Booster Club enrichment programs, including classroom size reduction and the critical benefits this brings to our children.
  3. Your support of our school is 100% tax deductible!
  • Terms: 4 Facebook mentions for $250, available to businesses and/or organizations who bring an added value to the school or have a connection with the school that is admirable or desirable beyond a monetary value as deemed by the Board and Principal.
  • Model: Business or Organization to submit a digital copy of your logo. We will write-up a catchy post, with a “did you know” theme along with your logo or a picture from the activity you are doing at or related to the school, and post to our Facebook page.
  • Contact Information: Contact information posted to the Facebook page is limited to website address only (no phone number or address) along with a link to your Facebook page or if you do not have one, we will post a url to your website.

Banner Artwork:

The sponsor is responsible for the design of their artwork using the guidelines below for uniformity:

  • All Diamond Sponsor banners measure 4’ high x 8’ long.
    * All Sapphire banners measure 6' high x 4' long.
  • All banners must include the Paul Revere P.R.I.D.E. logo.
  • All artwork can include your business logo and a corresponding drawing or photographic image of your service or product, and a brief sponsorship message.
  • All artwork submissions should be submitted as concept only first to make sure it is in compliance with the guidelines.
  • The final artwork submission must be approved by the P.R.I.D.E. fundraising group and the Principal of Paul Revere within a turnaround time of no more than 5 days.
Thank you for your participation in the P.R.I.D.E. Business Banner Program!
Disclaimer: The businesses mentioned on the Paul Revere website do not constitute an endorsement from the PRIDE Booster Club or Paul Revere Middle School.