PTSA Overview

Dear Revere Families,

We hope you are all doing well and staying safe during these unprecedented times.

We want you to know that your PTSA is here and working hard to make sure resources are made available to teachers, students and families throughout this crisis. While the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted learning and routines, it has not defeated our determination to get through this together, and to support you all until we do.

To that end, the CA State PTA has made a set of Create@Home resources available to families, here.

As well as a set of information, press releases and updated information form State educational agencies, which are updated regularly, here.

In preparation, PRMS PTSA is gearing up for the year ahead by considering our national health and safety mandate and preparing as best we can to serve the needs of parents and students alike during the academic year. As such, we ask that you renew your membership of $25, or become a new member and support us, so we can sustain our strength and provide the necessary support as our families and educators head back to school.

Thank you and best,
Ghazal Vahdat-Yashouafar, Sindos Elzei
Paul Revere PTSA Board
[email protected]

Membership Dues are just $25 per family

 Pay using PayPal or write a check payable to Revere PTSA
Please consider making an additional donation to the PTSA!

Family Membership Dues

Additional Donation