Emergency Procedures / Preparedness
What To Do In Case of an Emergency...
It is always a good time to review Revere’s emergency dismissal/pick up policies in case of any type of situation. Whether it is a significant earthquake or an active intruder, the school has established procedures that will be followed to ensure student safety during and immediately after the event. In all situations, students will be supervised until it is deemed safe to return to the classrooms or until they are picked up by a parent, guardian or someone listed on their emergency form (with proper identification). If such an emergency occurs, please follow these steps to pick up your child:
On Site Evacuation - In situations where we need to evacuate structures on campus, all students and staff will meet in designated locations in the PE area. In this situation, please follow the steps below to pick up a student:
- Park somewhere in the neighborhood and bring photo identification.
- Walk onto campus through the West Driveway gate off of Allenford Avenue
- Proceed walking up the West Driveway to the Request Gate. The Request Gate is near the Obstacle Course in the PE area.
- At the Request Gate, you will show your photo identification and give the name of the student you are picking up.
- After requesting the student, proceed to continue up the West Driveway to the Reunion Gate, located just before the Tennis Courts.
- Your child will meet you at the Reunion Gate and you can then leave campus with your child safely.
Off Site Evacuation - If there is a need to evacuate off campus, please look for communication from the school and/or district with details as to where the students have been evacuated. Communication will be sent through Schoology and Blackboard Connect. Once the off campus site has been established and students are accounted for, there will be a “Request Gate” and “Reunion Gate” identified. We will then follow steps #4 - #6 above.
Lockdown / Active Intruder - In the case of a school wide lockdown situation, students will remain sheltered in place until the all clear has been given by a law enforcement agency. Once given the all clear, Revere will follow regular check out procedures with additional staff to process the student pick-ups through the Main Office or another designated location at that time. The person picking up the student will need to check in with valid photo ID at the Main Office. Please be aware that students will only allowed to leave campus with an adult (18 or older) listed on their emergency card with valid photo ID.
This is a reminder to make sure all of the information (phone numbers, address, emergency contacts) on your emergency card is accurate. To check your student out of school at any time, especially in case of emergency:
- please return a completed Student Emergency form (attached) to Revere’s Attendance Office.
- Log into the LAUSD PARENT PORTAL, click on your student and then the red circle titled “Emergency Card Information” and update your “Parent/Guardian Information” and “Additional Emergency Contacts”.