Arboretum Project » Overview


In the fall of 2014, students in 7th & 8th grade Agriculture classes at Paul Revere Middle School set out to create an online resource for students to learn about the trees growing on campus.   In 2015 and 2016, students continued to add pictures to the site.

An "Arboretum" is a “plant museum” that allows visitors to learn about the plants around them. Several local Arboretums worth visiting include the LA County Arboretum, the Huntington Library, and Descanso Gardens.

Special thanks to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo's "Urban Forest Ecosystems Institute", which allowed us to use many of their photos for our site.  It is an outstanding resource to learn more about Urban Forestry.

Arboretum Tour

This tour takes visitors on a clockwise walking tour around campus, starting and ending near the Main Office.
  • Leaving the Main Office, walk past the row of offices and turn left into the courtyard in front of the Auditorium.
  • Start at the Coast Redwood (1), a California native and our state tree.  In the same area, look for the Japanese Maple (2), and Floss Silk (3).  In the planters next to the Auditorium, look for Hollywood Juniper(4) and Camellias(5).  From here, walk a short distance to the West driveway for towering examples of Indian Laurel Figs(6).
  • Return to the 8th grade quad area to see beautiful specimens of Liquidambar (7), Bird of Paradise(8), and Flowering Plum(9).
  • Turn left just past the H building, looking for the smooth bark of the Lemon Scented Eucalyptus(10) and tall Photinia(11) shrubs.
  • Walk north along the West Driveway, looking for the Chinese Flame Tree(12) in front of the Orchestra building. Walking further up the driveway, look for the Weeping Fig(13) and Camphor(14) trees in front of the S building.
  • Walk up the driveway, looking to the left to see the Norfolk Island Pines(15), looking above you at the Mexican Fan Palms (16), and to your left to see a row of California Pepper Trees.
  • In front of the Gym is a specimen of Moreton Bay Fig (17).  Continue walking in front of the gym to see a series of Jacaranda(18) trees.  Continue towards the entrance of the Farm, walking past Flowering Pears (19) around the X bldg.
  • Just inside the entrance to the Farm is a Canary Island Pine (20) and several Loquat (21) fruit trees.
  • Walking down the East Driveway, start looking for many unique hedgerow specimens on the left, and unique specimen trees between each building.  Along the hill, look for more Lemon Scented Eucalyptus, Torch Aloe (22), Prickly Pear (23) cacti, a small California Pepper Tree (24) specimen. Between the buildings, look for Olive (25), Flowering Plum, Coral Trees (26), and Southern Magnolia (27).
  • A unique specimen is the large Bodhi Tree (28) near the C bldg.
  • At the bottom of the hill several mature species of California native Coast Live Oak (29).At the bottom of the hill, turn right and walk past the Library and continue on towards the planter behind the Main Office. You'll see more Canary Island Pine specimens, and a striking blue Kashmir Cypress (30).  In the courtyard look for Crepe Myrtle (31) and Liquidambar.
  • Continue forward towards the offices, looking at the "forest" of Tasmanian Tree Ferns (32) to your right.  Turn back to the Main Office, looking out towards the front of school where a row of Dawn Redwoods are planted.  These "living fossils" were thought extinct until being rediscovered in China in the 1940's.  Cuttings were shared with botanists around the world, and they are now widely planted. They are a symbol of the power of knowledge and education to inspire cooperation and peace among all people.
Thank you for exploring the Revere Arboretum Project!

To provide feedback or ask questions, please contact Agriculture Teacher, Carrie Lawson Robertson at [email protected]