Main Office » Early and Late Pick Up

Early and Late Pick Up

Picking Up Students Early

The Attendance/Main Office needs at least 20 min. to locate your student. If the student is not located before the class period ends, you must wait until classes reconvene so that your student can be located. This is particularly important if pick up time is near nutritionor lunch.  We do not dismiss students 30 min. before the end of the school day. Neither parent nor staff is permitted to search the campus to locate a student.
When planning to pick up your student early, please send the student with a note informing the Attendance Office of the time they will be leaving school. The Attendance/Main Office will arrange for the student to be in the office at the time specified and issue a Permit for Release. This form must be signed before the child is released into your care. Only persons named on the emergency card and student data information screen are permitted to pick up students. Be prepared to show ID. In cases where the student becomes ill or is injured, they will be referred to the Health Office and the Permit for Release will be issued from there. Sick or injured students should go through the Health Office to arrange for leaving the school.

Late Pick Up

All students involved in after school activities should report to the Gym at 4:20 pm (or after your activity has ended) to be picked up. Parents must pick students up at the Gym between 4:20pm and 5:45pm