Main Office » Forgotten Items

Forgotten Items

 Attention Parents/Students: We DO NOT accept forgotten items for drop off such as backpacks, homework, lunches, gym clothes, music instruments, iPads, phones, or sports equipment we will not be able to accept these items brought to school for them to be retrieved at any school office. It is not the office staff’s job or responsibility to give students forgotten items. 
We understand that students can make mistakes and will forget some items along the way. This is human nature. However, we are here to teach them to be responsible for themselves and become independent. In this way they will be better prepared for the road ahead. We also cannot allow for our staff to become overburdened with additional tasks beyond the extremely heavy load they already carry. This is why all Students are responsible to remember their supplies for each school day, and no exceptions will be allowed other than needed medicines or glasses. We appreciate your support with this and plan accordingly.