Counseling Office » Get Ready for College

Get Ready for College

College March Madness Month

Every March, the Counseling Office will sponsor a College/Career Awareness month! We will focus on FAFSA, A-G Requirements, PSAT/SAT, and Explore/ACT.

How Much Do You Know?

How much do you know? Take a quiz or two? Download the quiz each week here and test your knowledge. Page 2 has the answers so don't peek:
Week 4 QUIZ: FAFSA & Applications

A-G Coursework in High School for college

The UC and CSU schools require a 15-unit pattern of high school courses for admission as a college freshman. Each unit is equal to a year of study in a subject area. A grade of C or higher is required for each high school course you use to meet the subject requirements. It is important to prepare for these courses while in middle school.

UC - University of California System

The University of California's academic offerings span 150 disciplines, with more departments ranked in the top 10 nationally than any other public or private university. The UC's ten campuses at Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara provide exciting environments that foster world-class educational and research opportunities.
  • UC Campus map
  • Great Futures Start Here: A Guide for Students & Parents Considering UC (English Español)

CSU - California State University System

With more than 450,000 students, the CSU is the country's largest four-year university system with 23 campuses located throughout the state of California. The campuses offer excellent educational opportunities at an affordable cost.

Private Colleges

California is home to more than 75 unique nonprofit, independent colleges and universities.
Each nonprofit, independent college and university is unique, therefore admission requirements vary. Applicants for admission are evaluated on past achievement, future promise, and "fit" with the schools' missions and goals. All applications are treated as individuals and are personally evaluated.

FAFSA - Free Application For Student Aid

What is federal student aid? College costs can be high, so federal student aid is financial assistance for students who need help paying for college. Federal Student Aid, an office of the U.S. Department of Education, provides federal student aid, which includes grants, loans, and work-study.

Federal student aid can be used to cover the costs of your college's tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and transportation and is made up of three main types of aid:
  • Grants - funds for college that do not have to be repaid
  • Loans - borrowed funds, you must repay loans, with interest
  • Work-study - part time employment where you can earn money while enrolled
For more information, visit the FAFSA website.

College Mondays @ Revere

Every Monday, students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite college shirt or sweatshirt to promote college awareness. Students can ask their teachers about their alma maters and start preparing early!
