Counseling Office » Get Ready for High School

Get Ready for High School

Get a head start on what's to come in high school by reviewing and researching the following information.
Also included are different high school options you may want to consider. The High School Fair is an opportunity to learn more now about your options so you are prepared to start your high school years with confidence.

A-G Coursework in High School for College

The UC and CSU schools require a 15-unit pattern of high school courses for admission as a college freshman. Each unit is equal to a year of study in a subject area. A grade of C or higher is required for each high school course you use to meet the subject requirements. It is important to prepare for these courses while in middle school.
CAHSEE - California High School Exit Exam
AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
Home School of Residence
To find out your school of residence, go to Los Angeles Unified School District School Finder.
Choices Brochure
The LAUSD Choices Brochure will be mailed home mid-November by LAUSD. For specific information please visit the LAUSD eChoices website. You will be able to access information about the Choices process and new features that will be available to you through this website.
Complete and submit the application ONLY if you are interested in your child participating in the Magnet, Permits With Transportation (PWT), or Public School Choice (PSC) program, or if you wish for your child to change from one Magnet to another.
Applicants MUST be residents of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) at the time of application and be participating in an LAUSD Magnet, PWT or Public School Choice program.
LAUSD Open Enrollment
This program allows parents to apply for designated "open enrollment" seats at specific campuses. In recent years, the number of available seats has declined steadily.
The application process typically occurs during May for the following school year. A list of the schools with open enrollment seats is usually available in the main office of any school, beginning in late April or early May.

Charter Schools
The Los Angeles Unified School District views charter schools as part of the District's family and as an asset from which we can learn. Therefore, the Los Angeles Unified School District will encourage and nurture the development and continuation of charter schools that are accountable for improved student achievement.
Charter schools represent an opportunity to examine practices and develop teaching stratagies that can help solve the many challenges facing schools in the Los Angeles Unified School District and the greater educational community.
Charter schools typically have specific application deadlines and enrollment procedures. (i.e. Palisades Charter High School) Be sure to apply early.
Private Schools
There are a number of private schools in the Southern California area. Private schools typically have specific application deadlines and an enrollment processe as well as tuition fees. Unfortunately, Revere does not have any information on specific private schools.