Counseling Office » Academic Support

Academic Support

Homework is an essential element to success in school and should be completed on time. Students should have a "study buddy or homework buddy" to call when absent for more than one to three days. It is the student's responsibility to request homework and turn in late homework.

Requesting Homework When You are Absent
Students and parents may access any homework assigned via our Schoology website. Please have your child log in through their student account to access the assignments and any attached documents.
Parent/Guardians can monitor daily student progress by logging into Schoology to view grades, see missing assignments and read teacher comments.  If more specific intervention is needed, see below:
Daily Progress Sheet (click here to download a copy)
Daily Progress Sheets can be used to monitor your student's progress daily on a class by class basis for attendance, homework, work habits and cooperation. "Daily's" should be filled out before school by your student, handed to the teacher at the beginning of the period and picked up by the student at the end of class.
TIP: Staple five together for the week & after three COMPLETE weeks, try Weekly Progress Sheets.
Weekly Progress Sheet (click here to download a copy)
Similar to the Daily Progress Report, Weekly Progress Sheets are circulated weekly by the student, with an additional place for an academic grade. "Weekly's" should be filled out before school by your student, handed to the teacher at the beginning of the period and picked up by the student at the end of class.
TIP: Circulate a "Weekly" on Thursday, just in case you need Friday to finish.
Math & ELA Intervention Elective
What is tutoring?
How to use a tutor?
Options available to students:
Revere Homework Help Club
LAUSD On Demand Tutoring
LAUSD High Dosage Tutoring
Need an extra set of textbooks for home?  A limited supply of used textbooks are available for purchase for $20.00 cash only during Welcome Back Week. Due to the limited quantity of some of the textbook selections not all titles can be guaranteed for purchase.
After the start of the school year, parents will be able to purchase any unsold books with cash or by credit card and will be required to pick up at Revere by appointment. Please contact Mr. Tyson Evans, AP Student Services, after the start of the school year if you are interested at [email protected] or 310.917.4882.
Textbook Covers - Students can purchase textbook covers in the student store when school is in session.  All textbooks must be covered.
  • Stop Clearance Form - A Stop Clearance Form (SCF) is issued to students who are delinquent after textbook collection at the end of each school year.   A student is delinquent for one of the following reasons:
    Lost Textbook
    Textbook Damage
Students are required to return all textbooks, pay for damages and/or pay the replacement cost for lost textbooks.  Failure to do so may prevent 8th grade students from participating in Culmination activities.  Contact the Student Services Office if you need additional information at 310.917.4882.