Absences & Policies
In order to ensure that every child receives the instructional hours necessary to meet the grade-level culmination requirements, it is imperative that he/she arrive to school on-time and prepared to learn. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. daily. It is strongly recommended that each student arrive on campus no later than 7:45 a.m. so that he/she can arrive in class prior to the sounding of the tardy bell.
The California Education Code (CEC), Section 48200, states that it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian, or adult custodian to ensure their child (ages 6-18 years of age) attends school full-time every day. CEC section 48620 states: “Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation education who is absent from school without valid excuse on three occasions or tardy for more than 30 minutes in a school day on three occasions in one school year is a truant and will be reported to the attendance supervisor or the superintendent of the school district.
Below is a summary of the School Policy pertaining to excessive absences:
- The maximum number of excused absences to any class allowed in a school year is 10 days. Each absence beyond 10 days must be verified by a health professional, which may include the school nurse. The parent will not be allowed to justify absences by writing an excuse beyond the 10 days.
- Parents have only 10 days after an absence to provide a valid reason to excuse the absence. If a valid reason is not provided within the 10 days, the absence will be marked with reason code #3 truancy and may lead to truancy status.
# of Unexcused Absences and or Tardies |
Action |
1st – 3rd | Warning and automated call notifying parent |
4th | 30 minute lunch detention assigned for this and every subsequent truancy or tardy. Issuance of LAUSD's truancy letter |
7th | Issuance of 2nd attendance policy letter |
10th | Referral to District PSA Counselor |
More than 10 | Student placed on the Non-Participation List (unable to participate in school sponsored field trips and extracurricular acticities), Referral to District PSA Counselor. Referral to Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). 8th Grade students will be removed from and are ineligible to participate in Culmination and any other 8th grade activity. |
Work Permits - If you are interested in getting a work permit for your child, please drop off the completed application to the Attendance Office. In order for Revere to approve any applications, the student cannot have any U's, D's, or Fails during the most recent grading period. In addition, students may not have more than 3 unexcused tardies to any one class or 10 unexcused combined absences during the year. Please allow up to 48 hours for the Work Permit to be processed.
For more information you may visit LAUSD's website:
For more information you may visit LAUSD's website: