Physical Education Department
The mission of the Physical Education Department at Paul Revere is to enable students to engage in a variety of physical activities, incorporating skills and knowledge that will lead to a lifetime of fitness. We also aim to create an environment which develops social awareness such as citizenship, sportsmanship, and self-respect.
Everyone, no matter what age, can benefit from regular exercise. Kids who are active will:
Everyone, no matter what age, can benefit from regular exercise. Kids who are active will:
- have stronger muscles and bones
- have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat
- be less likely to become overweight
- decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
- possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
- have a better outlook on life
Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are able to handle physical and emotional challenges better - from running to catching a bus to studying for a test. Good fitness habits, started young, will carry over into adulthood and lead to an enriched lifestyle. It is our intent to give your child the opportunities to increase health and wellness in a safe environment.